It wasn't until I took a photography class in college that I discovered how much I really loved it. One of the first people I photographed for one of my assignments was my grandpa. I still remember that photo session with him about 8 or 9 years ago where we wandered about his farmyard talking about the war and how he was quite the catch back then. It was one of those moments between a grand daughter and her grandpa that I will never forget. Part of it could have to do with the lecture I got from him about how men these days will just slip a drug into your drink and you will never know what happened. haha. Don't ask me how that even came up, he just felt I needed to know I guess. At that time I was using my aunts old film camera so I didn't really know what I was doing or if the photos I was taking were going to turn out. As it so happens my absolute favorite picture of grandpa was taken that day. I have taken hundreds of photos of him since then but that photo will always remind me of the day I spent with my grandpa...just him and I. I will also never forget his reaction when he saw that photo. "Whose that guy with all the wrinkles?" he asked right before he let out a little giggle. "That's you grandpa!" I replied. "Naw. He's too old to be me!" grandpa says.
Years later on March 21, 2009 we celebrated my grandpas 91st birthday and of course we did a little photo shoot again. This time some of the photos included my cousin/his granddaughter, Stacey. Stacey turned 19 on the same day grandpa turned 91. Definitely a special day!
And years later my grandpa is still my favorite person to photograph. If I could I would make a full time job of it.