I consider myself lucky to have met Jed Brazier. Jed is a man of great creative talent and has an enormous heart. A few months back we got together and spent a few hours shooting pictures. I needed practice on studio shots and he needed some photos of himself for his book. By the end of the shoot I was laughing so hard I could hardly hold my camera still....thanks for making me take blurry pictures Jed! ;-)
Jed wrote a book of poetry and short stories and has recently made a website to promote his book. His book had me laughing, crying and just overall impressed me. Have I mentioned lately how blessed I feel to have such creative friends!? Everyone should check out his website and order a copy of the book. I could not put it down!

That sure is a handsome fella . . . of course, it probably has a lot to do with an amazing photographer. We should do another shoot, me-thinks - y'know, if you think you can top these.